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Become a Member; Become Involved!

The Society always welcomes new members.  No horticultural experience required, just a keen interest in gardening! Membership offers the opportunity to show off your hard toil at our Annual Shows or join us on our outings held throughout the year.  We also organise some evening events - talks or dinners.


Membership is currently £6 per year and you receive a Schedule and a membership card.  Membership entitles you to:


  • Free admission to all of the Society's shows and social functions

  • Priority bookings to all outings

  • Participation in Shows and Functions

  • 10% discount and free delivery from Sunshine Garden Centre


Please complete the form below if you are interested in joining the Society today:


Honorable Membership Secretary

Jenny Kruss

52 Wilton Road

London N10 1LT

Tel: 02084420031

Name *

Email *





Thank you for your email! We will be in touch soon.

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