In Memory of Yvonne Heath
Member of the Muswell Hill and District Horticultural Society
We have received the very sad news that Yvonne Heath has died of pneumonia aged 83.
Yvonne will be remembered with huge affection by so many people. She was an enthusiastic member of the Horticultural Society for many years and always loved the garden outings and sharing her interest with friends. Her flower arrangements at the Shows won many prizes, and her presence at the tea and cake counter was a major part of the success of the Shows.
She lived life to the full: her energy, humour and warmth were all-embracing. Till the end she was taking dance lessons, gardening, supporting friends, cooking and always took an interest in the welfare of others. She was a kind, generous and loyal friend, and a loving mother and grandmother too. Her positive love of life and laughs leaves a gap not easily filled. She will be much missed.

Congratulations to member Jane Bywaters.
Jane has been awarded a Certificate of Excellence for her entries to “Haringey in Bloom” this summer. Very unexpected but a nice thank you letter came with it and a packet of Sweet Pea seeds.
Jane sent in the following pictures - one of Begonia hanging baskets (odorata Angelique) and the other including red Monarda that ‘performed’ really well for a long time looking rather comic with their sprouting Mohican petal tufts! (bracts?)
Perhaps other members might be encouraged to go in for this next year.